ショウジョノトモ「RAS & SCOTOMA 」 ラスとスコトーマ |見えているのに見えない “I see it but I can’t see it” 2022年11月26日(土)〜12月11日(日)
手と花では2022年11月26日(土)〜12月11日(日)の会期でショウジョノトモ個展「RAS & SCOTOMA 」ラスとスコトーマ|見えているのに見えない “I see it but I can’t see it”を開催いたします。
While living as an artist, I have always felt a sense of discomfort in painting, and in an attempt to overcome this discomfort through creativity, I have repeatedly created, climbed, and broken mountains myself.
One day, however, I reached my limit.
I wanted to find out why, and I found various studies, therapies, and brain science. It was then that I began to get a solid sense of the possibility that the invisible gas-like object called the “mind” was actually a real entity called the “brain,” and that I might be able to touch the true nature of what was tormenting me.
My name “Shojonotomo” meant my little friend inside me, my subconscious! It was around this time that I realized that I was leaving that presence behind, and that I was torturing myself with a false self-image. That is why I have always thought of the subconscious as an important partner that knows my true feelings.
However, I learned that the subconscious mind is like a caring mother who is afraid of change and tries to prevent it, contrary to the person’s positive will to change. This is because, according to brain science, the brain stores memories from the days of the hunter-gatherer, and the unknown world is considered a life-threatening situation, so the subconscious mind puts the brakes on.
One of these phenomena, Rath and his scotoma (psychological blind spot), will be the axis of this exhibition. It is a phenomenon that creates a blind spot, “visible but not visible,” in which objects deemed unnecessary by the self image created by the self are made invisible to the self.
For example, even if a person is looking at the same object as another person, that person has a blind spot where he or she has discarded the objects that do not interest him or her, and thus has his or her own unique view of the object. For each object, there are as many worlds as the number of viewers, and all of them are correct for the person who sees them. This is society itself, and this is probably one of the reasons why communication friction remains unresolved.
In this exhibition, there are people who have some kind of visual difficulty. If the viewer is not interested in the painting at all, it does not exist (cannot be seen). In other words, your blind spot must create a different exhibition from mine. In this exhibition, I would like to remove my own scotoma from the dialogue with the viewers and share it with them.
I believe that ras and scotoma are like a new tool of art that changes what we can see by changing our thinking, and that personal awareness and change is a tool to dissolve one frame of various social problems.
※This attempt will bring together new paintings and recordings of sketches that I have made for my own therapy.
ショウジョノトモ / ShojonoTomo
「SKINSHIP BURNY(スキンシップレスによる火傷)」という造語で人間の生きづらさやコミュニケーションの問題を、絵画、立体、映像、インタラクティブ等で表現し国内外で活動する現代美術家。ショウジョノトモの名は自己の中に居る小さな友達、潜在意識を意味する。代表作に、片方だけになった靴下のための婚活、男女の個人的な携帯の会話をリサイクルし一般公開するイベント、2人で1つのTシャツを着る「DOUBLE T-SHIRT」、傷心を恐れ恋愛をしない現在人に向けた「neo浴衣と祭」、日本人のマスク依存を解くマスクプロジェクト等を発表。2011年 そのマスクをusaラッパーのNICKI MINAJがMTVで着用した事がアメリカのみならずイギリスのTVで討議される。それはコロナ渦で更に浮き彫りとなった歪んだ固定概念の予兆でもあった。これはショウジョノトモが人間の心理により向かうきっかけの1つとなり、脳科学やセラピーの学びを組み込んだ新たな制作がスタートした。
Using the coined word “SKINSHIP BURNY” to compare the difficulty of human life and communication problems, she is a contemporary artist who is active in various forms of expression, including paintings, videos, and performances, both in Japan and overseas. (Skinship = physical contact, and “burny” refers to the “burns” that victims received due to a lack of affection)Her representative work includes an event involving a second wedding for a single sock and the hijacking of a cellphone conversation between other people and then changing it to a different sound and exposing it.Other projects that she has continued within recent years include the “DOUBLE T-SHIRT” which entails two people wearing a single T-shirt, “Yukata & Festivals” aimed at contemporary people who avoid love out of fear of getting hurt, “Love Allergy Mask” focusing on masks, a symbol of the Japanese temperament, and other projects that she collaborates on with media art, as well as live performances both in Japan and overseas. ShojonoTomo provided costumes for American rapper NICKI MINAJ from 2011-2014. Among other things, her facemask for MTV’s award ceremony brought about a social impact that was debated in UK and the Usa. It was also a sign of the distorted stereotypes that became even more apparent due to Corona. This is the reason why Shojonotomo moves towards human psychology.Together, She is creating new creations that incorporate the learnings of brain science and therapy.
展覧会名: ショウジョノトモ個展「RAS & SCOTOMA 」ラスとスコトーマ
“I see it but I can’t see it”
会期: 2022年11月26日(土)〜12月11日(日)
営業時間: 16:00〜22:00
Tel : 03-5577-5309