2016年5月10日(火)Martin Taxt / 遠藤隆太朗 (DUO)
マッティン・タクスト / Martin Taxt:
マッティン・タクスト (Martin Taxt) は、即興音楽シーンで活動するノルウェイのチューバ奏者 (1981年生)。ベルリン在住の Robin Hayward と、Taxt と Kristoffer Lo のノルウェイのふたりが組んだチューバ・トリオ Microtub、Espen Reinertsen、Eivind Lønning、Taxt のノルウェイ勢に日本の秋山徹次と中村としまるを加えたクインテット Koboku Senju をはじめとする様々なプロジェクトを展開する。また、ノルウェイのレーベル Sofa Music の運営に参画。
Martin Taxt, born in Trondheim, Norway in 1981, finished his studies at the Academy of Music in Oslo and CNSMDP in Paris in 2006. Since then he has focused on improvised and contemporary music. With the japanese guitar player Tetuzi Akiyama and the Norwegian duo Streifenjunko he has released two albums on the reputable norwegian improv label SOFA. ”Varianter av døde trær” in 2008 and ”Selektiv hogst” with Toshimaru Nakamura in 2010. This quintet now performs under the name Koboku Senjû. Both albums received great critics in magazines such as THE WIRE and SIGNAL TO NOISE. Over the last years Taxt has been touring Europe, Japan, China, USA and Canada with the groups Koboku Senjû, microtub, Muringa and Kim Myhr & TJO. Since 2010 he’s running the label SOFA and he has also been organising the festival Fri Resonans in Trondheim every November since 2006.
遠藤隆太朗 / Ryutaro Endo:
Ryutaro Endo is a guitarist based in Tokyo. After studying Photography and Art, he transitioned his creative expression from photography into music. While being part of the Tokyo Avant-garde and improvised music scene, Endo keeps his music rooted in traditional styles such as Jazz and Blues, and performs diversely with various musicians. His solo, on the other hand, uses fundamental guitar tone which somewhat brings nostalgia but also searches for a new possibility at the same time.
★Martin Taxt / 遠藤隆太朗 (DUO)
LIVE Start: 20:00
出演: Martin Taxt / 遠藤隆太朗 (DUO)
会場:TETOKA(東京都千代田区神田司町2-16 楽道庵1F)